Our Commercial Enquiry Service



SEWBReC has a data enquiry service for customers requiring data on the species, sites and habitats of Gwent and Glamorgan*. We have a variety of set packages (based on search area), and we can also create tailored outputs.

*If you are unsure if your search falls within the SEWBReC area, please use the Find a LERC tool here. 

If you are a student, member of the public or other non-commercial user, please visit our non-commercial data requests page.


How do I request data?


Please download and complete a Data Enquiry and Release Form (DERF), and return it to info@sewbrec.org.uk. This form must be completed, signed and returned for EVERY enquiry you submit. No data will be released without the relevant DERF.

Download a DERF

You may also like to download our Guide to Completing a DERF.


How long will it take?


Standard Data Enquiries

Point searches (i.e. circular search around grid reference) are a set price and results will be delivered via Aderyn within five working days of receipt of a completed DERF.

For polygon searches (i.e. a buffer applied to a site boundary) we will provide a quote to you within three working days of receipt of a completed DERF. Once the quote is accepted, we will provide your report within five working days.

During our busy periods, it may therefore take a total of 8 working days from submission to completion of a polygon search. Please make allowances for this when planning your enquiry.

BARB Enquiries

Bat And Roof-nesting Bird (BARB) searches are a set price and results will be delivered via Aderyn within five working days of receipt of a completed DERF.

Fast Track Enquiries

If you have a very urgent enquiry, please get in touch with the team to discuss turnaround times. A fast track fee may be chargeable during busy periods.


How much will it cost?


Our searches are based on area, and have set prices as shown below.

Package Description Point Search Polygon Search
Package A: Bats & Roof-nesting Birds (BARB) Bats 2km, Roof-nesting Birds 150m, SSSIs & SACs (designated for presence of bats) 10km

Set price £110 +VAT

Package B 1km Search for relevant species, designated sites and Phase I habitats within a 1km buffer

Set price £155 +VAT

Variable price starting from £155 +VAT

Package C 2km Search for relevant species, designated sites and Phase I habitats within a 2km buffer

Set price £200 +VAT

Variable price starting from £200 +VAT

Package D 5km Search for relevant species, designated sites and Phase I habitats within a 5km buffer

Set price £350 +VAT

Variable price starting from £350 +VAT

Custom Package The data search is tailored to your exact requirements.

Price on application, generally upwards of £155 +VAT

Price on application, generally upwards of £155 +VAT

You can add on a bat or single species search (up to 6km) to packages B, C and D point searches for a set price of £55* +VAT. These add on searches are also available for polygons, but may vary in price depending on the size of the search area.

*The £55 price is only for searches added to a package; stand alone searches will be quoted as a custom search.

Charitable users will generally pay a discounted price, please see our pricing policy for more information.


What data will I receive?


All data will be provided via Aderyn, LERC Wales' Biodiversity Information & Reporting Database.

For guidance on how to interpret commercial enquiry results sent via Aderyn, please download our written guide or watch our video tutorial.

You can download metadata of our data holdings here: Species / Sites & Habitats.

Search results will include the following information:



Protected and Priority Species [CAT1 on Aderyn]: EU and UK legally protected species: Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (Schedules 1, 5 & 8), Section 7 (Environment (Wales) Act, 2016) species, Badger Act 1992, and Bern Convention.

Other Species of Conservation Concern [CAT2 on Aderyn]: Red Data Book and Nationally Scarce species (including Welsh Red & Amber Lists).

Locally Important Species [CAT3 on Aderyn]: UK RSPB list, Local BAP species, locally rare and scarce species (as identified by local experts).

Schedule 9 (Wildlife & Countryside Act) & Other Alien/ Invasive Species: e.g. Japanese knotweed, Indian balsam, American signal crayfish, and American mink etc. [Download the full species list.]

On request: All Species: All records held, including common and widespread species.

On request: Selected Species: Records of selected species according to user needs (e.g. all bat species).

Roof-nesting Birds (Package A only): House Sparrow, Swallow, House Martin, Swift, Barn Owl, Peregrine, Kestrel, Starling, Jackdaw, Pied Wagtail, Little Owl, Black Redstart, Redstart, Wren, Herring Gull and Lesser Black-Backed Gull.


Mobile species

Certain mobile, high priority species (e.g. otter, great crested newt, bats etc) have been given a buffer to reflect their potential territory [download the full species list]. The records may lie outside the specified search area but they should be taken into account in an ecological assessment due to the possibility of their using land within the search area as part of the territory, or for part of their life cycle. SEWBReC will report on mobile species where the buffer of the species intersects the search area.


Designated Sites

Statutory Designations: Ramsar Sites, Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas, Sites of Special Scientific Interest, National Nature Reserves, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, National Parks.

Local Designations: Local Nature Reserves, Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation* / Local Wildlife Sites (not available for Rhondda Cynon Taf), Regionally Important Geodiversity Sites, Wildlife Trust Reserves, RSPB Reserves, Roadverge Reserves, NRW Priority Areas, B-lines, Important Plant Areas.



CCW/NRW Phase I habitat survey data, Phase II (woodlands, saltmarsh and grasslands), Ancient Woodland (NRW) boundaries.

*Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) are designated by the relevant Unitary Authority based on the criteria in "Guidelines for the selection of wildlife sites in south Wales" and "Criteria for the selection of SINCs (mid-Valleys area)". You can learn more from the quick guide to Local Wildlife Sites, compiled by Gwent Wildlife Trust.


Frequently Asked Questions


Does my search fall in the SEWBReC area?

SEWBReC covers the vice-counties of Gwent (VC35, aka Monmouthshire) and Glamorgan (VC41). Our Unitary Authorities are: Blaenau-Gwent, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfil, Monmouthshire, Neath Port Talbot, Newport, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Swansea, Torfaen and Vale of Glamorgan*.

*We follow the border of the Brecon Beacons National Park, so some of these areas are cropped; please use the Find a LERC tool if you are unsure whether you / your project falls within the SEWBReC area.




My search falls on the border between LERCs, do you share data?

We share a border with four other Local Environmental Records Centres: WWBIC, BIS, GCER and HBRC.

WWBIC and BIS lie within Wales, and we share data across our borders. If your search falls on a border between the Welsh LERCs, data from both will be included.

We do not currently share data with our English neighbours, GCER and HBRC. If your search falls on a border between England and Wales, you will need to commission data searches from both LERCs separately. We may be able to discount our fee for a search which is mostly in England, please contact us with details of the location for a quote.


How long can I use the data for and/or can I get an update to a previous data search?

Data is provided for 12 months as per the Terms and Conditions on the DERF, and any downloaded data must be deleted / destroyed after this time period. If you need to use the data beyond 12 months, please get in contact to discuss an extension, which may be granted up to 24 months. At this time, we do not provide an updated search option (i.e. just data recieved since a previous search) due to constant additions, removals and improvements to our data holdings.


How can I share the data provided by SEWBReC?

Raw data must not be shared beyond individuals listed on page 3 of a DERF. Some plots may be shared, depending on the content. Data must be destroyed / deleted after 12 months. Please read our Guidelines for SEWBReC Data Use for further information.


How can I prove a SEWBReC data search has been carried out?

We provide you with a unique reference number which you can quote in all correspondence and within your ecological report. This reference number will prove that you have undertaken a SEWBReC data search, as any interested parties (e.g. a Local Planning Authority) can contact SEWBReC direct to confirm a data search was carried out.


How do I pay for my data search?

Invoices are normally sent out with the completed report, unless otherwise instructed. Please inform SEWBReC of any specific invoice details (purchase order numbers, invoice postal address etc) to help ensure a smooth transaction. Invoices must be paid within 30 days.

Unfortunately we cannot take payment over the phone.


I am a student or other non-commercial user, how do I access data?

Please visit our non-commercial data requests page if you are a student, member of the public, or other non-commercial user.


I work for a Unitary Authority , how do I access data?

We currently have Service Level Agreements with the following Unitary Authorities: Blaenau Gwent; Caerphilly; Cardiff; Merthyr Tydfil; Monmouthshire; Newport; Rhondda Cynon Taf; Swansea; Torfaen; Vale of Glamorgan.

If you work for one of these Unitary Authorities, you may be able to access data for your requirements as part of the SLA, please contact us to confirm.

If you work for a Unitary Authority with no Service Level Agreement [Bridgend; Neath Port Talbot], please complete a DERF and we will provide a quote. You will be provided data via Aderyn in the same manner as commercial enquiries, but the price will be lower. Details of the pricing structure for such enquiries can be found in our charging policy.


I work for a company which has an agreement with SEWBReC, how do I access data?

We currently have agreements with Welsh Government, Natural Resources Wales, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, Network Rail, Regional Trunk Roads Agency and the Wildlife Trusts. Staff members of any of these organisations may be able to access data directly on Aderyn, please check with your colleagues and contact us if additional access is required.


I am contracted by a company which has an agreement with SEWBReC, how do I access data?

If your client is Welsh Government, Natural Resources Wales, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, Trunk Roads Agency or Network Rail then you may not need to come to SEWBReC for data. Agreements with these organisations grant them full access to our data, which they can share direct with contractors for relevant projects. Please contact your client direct for relevant data.


Charges for Work Undertaken

SEWBReC operates as a not-for-profit company and does not charge for the actual data or information which is passed on to users. However, we do charge an administration fee to cover the cost of collating, managing and disseminating the biodiversity information. These costs include staff time and the overheads associated with running SEWBReC. Please view our charging policy for more details.