South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre (SEWBReC) is the Local Environmental Records Centre for the collation, management and dissemination of biodiversity data for Gwent and Glamorgan. Our aim is to make appropriate local biodiversity information available to all those who need it, to help ensure that decisions which affect local biodiversity are made using the best available data.

We achieve this aim by:

  • Supporting the local biological recording community and helping them to manage and mobilise the wealth of information they gather;
  • Working with a wide range of organisations to collate and computerise the data they hold;
  • Collating and managing these diverse data sets in a central location; and
  • Delivering a range of innovative and tailored biodiversity information products and services to meet the needs of our users.

SEWBReC covers the vice-counties of Gwent (VC35, aka Monmouthshire) and Glamorgan (VC41). Our Unitary Authorities are: Blaenau-Gwent, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfil, Monmouthshire, Neath Port Talbot, Newport, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Swansea, Torfaen and Vale of Glamorgan*.

*We follow the border of the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park, so some of these areas are cropped; please use the Find a LERC tool if you are unsure whether you / your project falls within the SEWBReC area.



LERC Wales

We are one of four organisations which make up Local Environmental Records Centres Wales; learn more about our consortium on the LERC Wales website. We are an accredited member of the Association of Local Environmental Records Centres; find out more on the ALERC website

Our History

SEWBReC began its establishment in 2003 and has been fully operational since summer 2005. Read our current Business Plan (2023-28) here.

Management and Funding

SEWBReC is run as a not-for-profit company (click on the link to download the Memorandum and Articles of Association (pdf)), made up of representatives of some of its key data suppliers and users. Read our current Business Plan (2023-28) here.

Company Membership

Membership is open to anyone with whom a working relationship exists (including individual recorders, local groups and partner organisations). If you would like to become a member, please download and return an application form. Please contact us for further information, or if you have any questions.


Board of Directors

SEWBReC's membership is comprised of a range of individuals and organisations who support the aims of the company. It is managed by a Board of Directors drawn from the membership. The Board steers the development of the company, and provides advice and support to the manager and staff.

Current Directors

Steve Bolchover (Chair)

Alison Jones (Vice-Chair)

Stuart Bain (Treasurer)

Kate Stinchcombe

Andy Karran

Alex Wilson

Kirsty Lloyd

David Lee

Karen Wilkinson (NRW Observer)


The SEWBReC Team



Adam Rowe (CEO)

Full Time

Adam has worked in Local Environmental Records Centres (LERCs) since the early 1990s. After starting his career at Somerset Environmental Records Centre, Adam spent five years working on the 'Hampshire Biological Record' before becoming Manager of Wales's first LERC, the Biodiversity Information Service for Powys and Brecon Beacons National Park, in 2000. Adam joined SEWBReC as its first Manager in Summer 2004. He is a Director (and former Chair) of ALERC, a former Trustee of NBN and former Vice Chair of NFBR

Main responsibilities: All aspects of financial, business and personnel management. Key contact for current and potential service users. Wales-wide and UK liaison. 




David Slade (Senior IT and Biological Records Officer)

Full Time

David is SEWBReC's longest serving staff member having occupied the post of SEWBReC Development Officer (responsible for producing the SEWBReC Development Plan) between late 2002 and spring 2004 when he became SEWBReC's IT and Records Officer. David joined SEWBReC from a post as Assistant Curator of Entomology at the National Museum of Wales. In June 2007 David was promoted to his current role. David is a council member for NFBR. David is the Vice County Recorder for Lepidoptera for VC41 (Glamorgan), and co-author of The Moths of Glamorgan.

Main responsibilities: Leading all IT and technological developments of SEWBReC systems. Database management. Supporting development of Aderyn. 




Rebecca Wright-Davies (Senior Biodiversity Data and Enquiries Officer)

Part Time (Tues, Wed, Thurs)

Rebecca joined SEWBReC in early 2005. Having qualified with an MSc in Environmental Biology from Swansea University, Rebecca spent two years as Biodiversity Officer for Newport City Council before travelling in Central and South America for six months. In June 2007 Rebecca was promoted to her current role at SEWBReC. Rebecca worked part time for the Bat Conservation Trust on the Natur am Byth! Swansea Bay Stars of the Night Project during 2022.

Main responsibilities: Managing the commercial enquiries service. Undertaking and supervising data entry. Co-Editor of Gwent-Glamorgan Recorder's Newsletter. Co-leading Recorders' Grant Scheme. Company Secretary.




Rebecca Robinson (Biodiversity Data and Enquiries Officer)

Part Time (Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri)

After completing a BSc in Ecology and Environmental Management at Cardiff University in 2006, Becci worked for Cardiff Council in the Education department, and then became a volunteer with the RSPB in 2015. Following this, she took up work as a freelance ecologist, before joining SEWBReC part time in October 2022.

Main responsibilities: Delivering the commercial enquiries service. Managing and delivering the development control service. Undertaking data mining. Undertaking data entry and quality control.




Katherine Slade (Temporary Biodiversity Data and Enquiries Officer)

Part Time (Wed pm, Thurs, Fri)

Katherine joins SEWBReC for 2024-25 as maternity cover. During this period, she is working part time as Botany Curator at Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales in Cardiff where she has worked since 2003. Previously she completed a BSc in Plant Science at Bangor University and an MSc in the Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. She is co-editor of the BSBI’s Welsh Bulletin.

Main responsibilities: Delivering the commercial enquiries service. Managing and delivering the development control service. Undertaking data mining. Undertaking data entry and quality control.




Elaine Wright (Senior Recording and Communications Officer)

Full Time

Elaine joined SEWBReC in October 2008. After completing a BSc in Countryside Management at Aberystwyth University in 2004, she went on to work for HSBC whilst also volunteering at the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust. Elaine initially joined SEWBReC as Biodiversity Information Assistant, moving through a variety of roles to reach her current position in autumn 2021. Elaine is Editor of the NFBR newsletter and a member of the NFBR Advisory Council.

Main responsibilities: Liaising with recording community to improve dataflow. Maintaining SEWBReC's online presence. Co-Editor of Gwent-Glamorgan Recorder's Newsletter. Co-leading Recorders' Grant Scheme. Leading Equipment Loan Scheme. Overview of events. Undertaking data entry and quality control.




Photo of Amy Hicks

Amy Hicks (Senior Biodiversity Information Officer)

Part Time (Mon, Thurs, Fri)

Amy started volunteering at SEWBReC in May 2013 after completing BSc Ecology and MRes Bioscience at Cardiff University. In January 2014, Amy became a paid SEWBReC employee as a Project Assistant, and moved through various roles to reach her current position in autumn 2021.

Main responsibilities: Oversight of incoming data, including import of data from iRecord systems. Database cleaning. Updating SEWBReC data on NBN Atlas and Aderyn. Undertaking and supervising data entry and quality control.



Photo of Jon Mortin

Jon Mortin (Biodiversity Information Officer)

Part Time (Thurs, Fri)

After completing a Degree in Zoology at Oxford University Jon went on to obtain a Ph.D. in Palaeontology at University College, Swansea. After 5 months employment at Warwickshire Museum as a Zoologist, Jon returned to Swansea to work in the Nature Conservation Team for Swansea City Council. Subsequently he moved to Bristol and spent around 16 years working for Bristol Regional Environmental Records Centre, initially as a volunteer and then carrying out contract ecological surveys and other roles such as digitisation, data entry, validation and verification. Jon joined SEWBReC in January 2020 as a Biodiversity Information Officer.

Main responsibilities: Undertaking data entry and quality control.



John Robinson

John Robinson (Full-Stack Developer [Aderyn])

Part Time (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs)

John Robinson is a developer, that has been working in web systems development since 2005. John has worked in the private, commercial and public sectors, including Swansea University and Cardiff University. John holds a BSc in Interactive design and production, graduated in 2007. John joined the LERC Wales team in 2019, and is hosted by SEWBReC.

Main responsibilities: Maintaining and developing Aderyn, the LERC Wales' Biodiversity Information & Reporting Database.




John Prasad

John Prasad (Front-End Developer [Aderyn])

Part Time (Tues, Wed, Thurs)

John has worked in the private and public sector in the UK, New Zealand and Australia. John has been building applications and analysing business systems / processes for a number of years and holds an MA Research Methodology – Sociology & Social Policy. John is hosted by SEWBReC, is line managed by John Robinson and is a member of the LERC Wales team.

Main responsibilities: Maintaining and developing Aderyn, the LERC Wales' Biodiversity Information & Reporting Database.





Renata Samek (Finance and Administration Officer)

Part Time (Tues, Thurs)

Renata joined SEWBReC in September 2021. She is a qualified and licensed bookkeeper. Renata gained experience in finance and administration in the public and private sectors. She is studying to become a qualified accountant.

Main responsibilities: Financial administration for SEWBReC and LERC Wales. Office administration for SEWBReC.