Snail Balsam Spider Mistletoe Hazel Daisy Rabbit Swift Gold-ringed Dragon Earwig Silverfish Candlesnuff Pholcus Garlic Beefly Slowworm Coleoph Tort Holly Snail Hare Ray Chafer JK oak Bush hover Earwig Silverfish Candlesnuff Pholcus Garlic Beefly Slowworm Coleoph Tort Holly

Gwent Square of the Month April 2023: SO4810

Located near Mitchel Troy in Monmouthshire, this square has been selected as it contains zero Butterfly records. There are 389 non-sensitive species recorded overall, which can be viewed on Aderyn. This square consists of farmland and a river. The square is crossed by a major road (please take care!), ac couple of lanes and several rights of way.
See the existing species list from Aderyn here. Added 04/04/2023 16:11

Notes about Square of the month:

  • Please carry out any recording in a responsible and socially distant manner, following current government COVID-19 guidelines.
  • Please take a common sense approach to recording in these squares. We do not advocate any form of trespassing, and please do not take any risks with regards your own health and safety.
  • All records are welcome, even the most common of species!
  • For a record to be useful, we will need the following information: recorder's name; date recorded; location name; grid reference (ideally 6 figures or more); species name. Please feel free to include extra information or photos.
  • You can submit records to us in a variety of ways; ideally via our online recording tool or our app. You can also submit records via email.