Species of the Month

Each month we ask recorders to look for common yet overlooked species, in hopes of filling in the gaps in our maps! Sign up to the SEWBReC email list to get details of new species direct to your inbox.

October 2019: Blackening Waxcap ( Hygrocybe conica ) Added 09/03/2022 15:32  

August 2019: Frogbit ( Hydrocharis morsus-ranae ) Added 09/03/2022 15:28  

July 2019: Grypocoris stysi ( Grypocoris stysi ) Added 09/03/2022 15:22  

June 2019: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary ( Boloria selene ) Added 09/03/2022 15:10  

May 2019: Nursery Web Spider ( Pisaura mirabilis ) Added 09/03/2022 14:44  

April 2019: Hairy-footed Flower Bee ( Anthophora plumipes ) Added 09/03/2022 14:29  

March 2019: Gorse Weevil ( Exapion ulicis ) Added 09/03/2022 14:23  

February 2019: Butterbur ( Petasites hybridus ) Added 09/03/2022 14:17  

January 2019: Bartheletia paradoxa ( Bartheletia paradoxa ) Added 09/03/2022 14:06  

October 2018: Autumn Hawkbit ( Scorzoneroides autumnalis ) Added 09/03/2022 13:47