Snail Balsam Spider Mistletoe Hazel Daisy Rabbit Swift Gold-ringed Dragon Earwig Silverfish Candlesnuff Pholcus Garlic Beefly Slowworm Coleoph Tort Holly Snail Hare Ray Chafer JK oak Bush hover Earwig Silverfish Candlesnuff Pholcus Garlic Beefly Slowworm Coleoph Tort Holly

SEWBReC re-accredited by the Association of Local Environmental Records Centres (ALERC)

We are delighted to announce that we have successfully gone through the ALERC Re-accreditation Process, and have been re-awarded with Accredited status for a further five years. This process assessed many aspects of our work, from our data protection policies to how we interact with local recorders. In the words of ALERC:
The aims of LERC Accreditation are to identify a minimum level of standards, to build confidence in LERCs as bodies which hold biodiversity information in trust for society and manage public resources well. Specifically, the system:
• Provides a set of objective criteria against which LERC operation can be assessed to demonstrate that it is effective and efficient.
• Outlines core levels of products and services that an LERC should provide to assist key users.
• Ensures the LERC is actively working with data holders to improve the availability and quality of data.
• Provides guidance and examples of best practice to assist LERCs in their application.
• Recognises the existing range of business models that LERCs operate under.

You can learn more about the accreditation process on the ALERC Website.

Link: Added 18/05/2022 11:50