Gwent-Glamorgan Recorders' Forum 2024: Presentations

The Gwent-Glamorgan Recorders' Forum 2024 took place at Sony Theatre, Bridgend on 20th January 2024. Below are pdf versions of the presentations given during the day (where available). If you would like information about one of the unavailable talks, please email us on and we can put you in touch with the speaker.


Bat rehabilitation and its role in education and conservation (Amy Schwartz)


Magnificent Marine Life: Biodiversity, Health and Conservation of Our Local Sea (Matthew Green) Not available


Current diatom studies in South and Mid Wales - environmental assessments and rare species (Ingrid Juettner)


The Lost Peatlands Project (Richard Pulman & team)


SINCs: the Vale of Glamorgan experience (Colin Cheesman)


Fledgemore Starling Colour Ringing Project (Trevor Fletcher)


Quiz (Quizmaster Dave)


Slipping Under the Radar: Recording Slugs in British Gardens (Imogen Cavadino) Not available


Bryophilous ascomycetes in Wales: new records and new species (George Greiff) Not available


SEWBReC Update (Adam Rowe)


SEWBReC Awards